by Defend the Guard | Feb 16, 2020
CHEYENNE Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) — House Bill 0098 is on the consent list for February 14 2020. The bill would bar Wyoming guard troops from being deployed to active combat without a declaration of war from Congress. At the rally Rep. Lindholm Rep. Andi...
by Defend the Guard | Feb 13, 2020
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by Defend the Guard | Feb 13, 2020
By: Michael BoldinPublished on: Feb 11 2020Categories: Defend the Guard State Bills War CHARLESTON W. Va. (Feb. 11 2020) Today a West Virginia House committee passed a bill that would prohibit foreign combat deployments of the states national guard...
by Defend the Guard | Feb 13, 2020
A northeast Wyoming lawmaker is proposing a bill that would require U.S. Congress to formally declare war before the Wyoming National Guard can be called up. The Defend the Guard Act or House Bill 98 says that members of the Wyoming National Guard could not...