South Dakota
Primary Sponsors:

Sen. Tom Pischke (R-District 25)

Rep. Aaron Aylward (R-District 6)
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South Dakota Senate Bill Aims to Raise Stakes for National Guard Deployments
KOTA Territory News reports on the Defend the Guard Act passing through committee in the South Dakota Senate.

South Dakota Lawmakers Urge Caution for U.S. Involvement As Russia Invades Ukraine
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South Dakota House of Representatives Passes Resolution Against Unconstitutional Wars
State Rep. Aaron Aylward and eight other Republicans sponsored a concurrent resolution against undeclared, unconstitutional wars.

Veterans Group Urges State Leaders to Support National Guard Legislation
Dan McKnight, founder and Chairman of BringOurTroopsHome.US, will be testifying in front of the South Dakota House Military and Veterans Affairs Committee today in support of "Defend the Guard" legislation.

Veterans Leader Hopes to Gain Support for Guard Legislation
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